HUDEX Hungarian Derivative Energy Exchange

Rules and regulations

Valid market rules 

Market rules of HUDEX Energy Exchange Ltd. valid from18.03.2021

Market rules of HUDEX Energy Exchange Ltd. valid from 18.03.2021 with track changes

Other regulations

Settlement Price Regulation

Settlement Price Regulation of HUDEX Hungarian Derivative Energy Exchange Ltd. - valid  from 10.04.2024.

Settlement Price Regulation of HUDEX Hungarian Derivative Energy Exchange Ltd. - valid from 10.04.2024 with track changes

Technical Requirements

 Technical Requirements of HUDEX Hungarian Derivative Energy Exchange Ltd. - valid from 02.05.2023

 Technical Requirements of HUDEX Hungarian Derivative Energy Exchange Ltd. - valid from 02.05.2023 - with track changes

OTC Clearing Registration Rules

HUDEX OTC clearing registration rules Annexes - valid from 27.07.2023

HUDEX OTC clearing registration rules Annexes - valid from 27.07.2023 - with track changes

HUDEX OTC clearing registration rules  - valid from 15.04.2024.

HUDEX OTC clearing registration rules  - valid from 15.04.2024. - with track changes